Sunday, November 29, 2009

Fall '09 in Review

Time sure does pass by quickly. It may be midnight, and I may be a bit nostalgic, but here is a review of our wonderful fall. It would have been be
tter, if the kiosk at a certain warehouse club hadn't deleted all of my fall photos from my memory stick, you know Alex and Brandon's birthday parties, soccer games, etc. But I will try to fill you in the best I can. And yes, I have lamented the loss to no avail, so I might as well move on.

How can I describe fall if I didn't include sports, sports, sports. Kyle and Brandon both played competitive soccer this fall, Kyle a little more on the competitive end, Brandon a little more on the fun side of things. This required many a practice, and lots of Saturdays devoted to
our beloved sport.

Sadly, these are the few pictures I have left of either of the boys games, teams, or season. Brandon's team is on top. Probably the most entertaining of the two teams, especially when half way through the season, one of his teammates still didn't know where the goal was. It was always fun to watch them play with all of the intensity a 7 year old can muster.

This is Kyle's team. They were totally awesome this year. They were number one in the league and undefeated until the very last game. It was great to watch these boys play, they were a well oiled machine and had a great season. Kyle had some excellent plays and is a very fast defender. His team told him he had "wheels", I guess that is a compliment for a 13 year old.

We do have another sport to mention, namely football. This consumed Jeremy's fall schedule, with grueling practices everyday after school. It was great-- every second of it. Jeremy loved it and so did we. They had a winning season, and Jeremy had an awesome interception, from the defensive line. His coach played the film to all of his classes the following day. It was a great moment, one not easily forgotten. One of the few photos I have of him coming off of the field.

Where would we be without the never ending Eagle Scout project?? Yes, it is finally finished and we are all awaiting the wonderful day we get to celebrate Alex's great accomplishments. Long story short, these flower boxes took an enormous amount of dirt, but they will bless the lives of many senior citizens for years to come.

Alex also spent a great deal of time with marching band. Beginning in the summer, and including 7:30 a.m. practices for a few months, he had a great time. No photos, but we do have video. His band placed well in all of their competitions. He is still involved in debate and scholar bowl. Mr. Smarty Pants indeed.

This strange picture of Mikenzie can easily be explained-- Halloween Orchestra Concert. She was a mad scientest, can't you tell? This was her coming off the stage of her first concert. She had a wonderful time and I was so proud of her. We also followed her teachers orders and went out for ice cream following the concert. Isn't she growing fast??

Speaking of Halloween, this is about it as far as pictures go... more pictures lost... very sad indeed. Baylie and Brandon had a great Halloween, this was taken just before their Book Character Day at school. We wouldn't want to use the word Halloween, now would we??

Well, that is our fall in a nutshell, more posts to follow, after I get some much needed sleep.