Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Weekend Warriors

Saturday was filled with all sorts of happenings at our home this weekend. I was preparing my RS lesson when I heard Brandon outside crying " Ow... ow... ow! " That didn't sound right. I opened the door to see him running home, holding his left arm saying " I'll never do that again". Being a curious mom, I asked him what had happened. Trying to emulate his hero, Jimmer, Brandon and his friend thought it would be a great idea to use a ladder to dunk a basketball. Brandon quickly found out, he was in fact NOT Jimmer, fell to the ground and broke his arm.

So, on the way to Kyle's second soccer game, we stopped by the office for an x-ray to confirm the break-- yep, it was broken. James casted Brandon with a beautiful BYU Blue cast.

If you notice, Baylie still wears a brace from her broken arm... from last month. We've had a string of broken bones, stayed tuned for even more fun.

Here we have Brandon at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday...

And... Brandon at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, shooting a one armed basketball game across the street, where he broke his arm a few hours earlier. Good luck getting him to sit still for any amount of time. What a kid!

I love the look on Kyle's face in this picture-- his game face

Back to the broken bones. Sunday was the last game of the soccer tourney (I'm a soccer mom, I use lingo like tourney to prove it ). Kyle decided to play. We have taught about keeping the Sabbath Day holy and previously have not let him play on Sundays. He is 14 though, old enough to know right from wrong. We decided to let him choose for himself. James and I support him, regardless of how we feel.

James and Kyle left early Sunday morning for the game. Towards the end of the game, while I was at home trying to piece my RS lesson together ( frantically, for the second time), I received this text: Kyle just carried off of the field, ankle injury. That's right, his team lost and he injured his right ankle to the point he was carried off of the field by his coaches.
When he was being taken off of the field his coach asked, " What is it with your family and breaking things?" I have the same question.
When they got home, James and Jeremy had to carry him into the house.

Back to the office after church. Luckily no breaks, he has a possible torn ligament. He is in a "boot" for now. We are waiting for the swelling to go down and to see how he recovers over the next few days before we proceed with an MRI. He is already kicking a soccer ball though... our hopes are high there will be no long term damage. Baylie of course had the brightest out look-- " Hey Kyle, when you wear your boot to school, I'll bet one of your favorite girls will carry your books for you ". To which Kyle promptly replied " I don't need some girl to carry my books! "

So, that was my memorable Mother's Day weekend.

Be Grateful!!

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