Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Back to school-- my how they'e grown!

Yay!! School is back in session. As I took first day of
school pictures I couldn't help
but think of how quickly my kids have grown.
Here are some family pics from 2006 followed
by the most recent 1st day of school.

First Day of School 2006
Alex= 6th grade Jeremy=5th grade Kyle= 3rd grade
Baylie= Kindergarten Sophia= 1st grade Mikenzie= 2nd grade

Brandon and Matalynn= Preschool

Baylie= 6th grade

Brandon= 3rd grade

Kyle= 9th grade ( Freshman!! )

Mikenzie= 8th grade

Jeremy= 11th grade ( Junior !! )

Yeah, I know I am missing one. My camera shy SENIOR started a day after everyone else and I am still trying to catch up with him to get a picture!! One to follow shortly.

Any-hoo, they all grew up so fast! I remember the day the picture
from six years ago was taken.

1- We hustled all eight kids out the door, dropped Alex off at the middle school and got to the elementary school just in time to take each child to their new class.
2- I literally cheered as I drove out of the school parking lot. I almost cried tears of joy... then I felt horrible for being so totally thrilled to have all of my wonderful children ( not counting the two three year olds in the back seat ) outta my hair for at least a few hours a day.
Then I cheered again!
3- Arrived home just in time to receive a phone call from the school informing me Baylie had NO shoes!! We were all in such a hurry to get out the door, she forgot to wear shoes to school!
4- Felt totally embarrassed and humiliated for a moment and then laughed at the crazy life I call motherhood. Took Baylie her new shoes and once again, cheered on my way out of the school parking lot.

Be Grateful!!


Eva Bowen said...

Great to see how they have grown, however it does make one realise just how quickly time flies by! My girls start back on 1 September. I am looking forward to having a bit of peace in the mornings again.

Norma King said...

This is too funny. I love it. The photos are great, too.

SydneyMin said...

They are all so darn cute! I love the pictures from the past. Amazing to see the differences.