Thursday, October 25, 2012

How I know my sons will never scrapbookers be

About a week ago, The Men in the household loaded up our trusty minivan and made the long trek to South Bend, Indiana for the BYU vs Notre Dame football game.  ( Not North Bend as one may have incorrectly called it ).

Just before the merry crew left the drive way, I ran out with camera in hand, along with spare batteries and an empty memory card.  " Be sure to take lots of pictures"  In my mind's eye, I imagined snap shots full of fun, great memories of the boys bonding while they traveled together.

After the game on Saturday night I was speaking with James and asked if he took plenty of pictures.  
" I dunno-- the boys had the camera the whole time, I'll have to ask them." Red flag number one.

The second red flag came when all of the boys were wondering why they would take a bunch of 
pictures of themselves.  Crazy?!?

So, my disappointment wasn't too great when I finally got my hands on the memory card, NOT full of memories.  Here are a few of the " awesome " snapshots.

Yep, my boys will never scrapbookers be, at least they have the memories and some male bonding.