Sunday, August 24, 2008

Best Back To School Idea- ever

Well, maybe not ever, but this one was pretty clever/inspired on my part. Okay, you know how your kids all come home with papers galore and you're supposed to keep track of everything, so your fridge looks like a recycling bin with magnets. I hate clutter like that.

So, here was my solution. I bought a 3 ring binder, some dividers and page protectors. I divided the binder into 6 sections- one for each child. Then I filled the page protectors with all of the useful information the teachers sent home. I have Alex's debate schedule, Kyle's soccer practice, Mikenzie's class list. You know, all the stuff you need to keep handy but always seem to misplace in some school pile that gets moved from one place in the kitchen to another.

I am using the pockets in the sides of the binder for papers that need to be signed and returned, like permission slips, etc. Or, maybe for homework that a child needs help with, or order forms... can you believe the amount of paper we get in one week!!

Now, I have my binder next to my recipe's, neat and tidy, and everything in it's place because I have a place for everything... almost. Hope this helps someone out there.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Best Month of My Life

This has truly been a blessed month for our family. Growing up in Utah in a less active home, it was difficlut to see the blessing the gospel brought to so many families around me. I couldn't wait to create my own little heaven on earth.

Well, it isn't always heaven, but this last month has given me glimpses. At the beginning of the month, on August 3, Kyle was ordained a deacon. He was so excited dressed in his suit and tie, ready to join his brothers in the YM program.

On August 10th, all three of my older boys passed the sacrament together. It was such a happy moment for me, a lifetime of dreams coming true. The most touching moment was while we were driving to church in our big white van, I over heard Kyle expressing concern about passing the sacrament for the first time. Jeremy looked over at Kyle and said " Just stay by me Kyle and I'll take care of you. You don't have to worry, I'll be there. " Nothing like a brothers love to warm a mother's heart.

Today was equally as special, Baylie was baptized. It was a hectic morning. We worked as a family -- an arguing family-- to get the house clean. My friend reminded me " It's all about the ordinance, that is what counts " She was so right.
I was the last one out the door, and a bit late, but the service was beautiful, as was Baylie. She had such a radiant smile. It always brings tears to my eyes when I see my husband baptize one of our children. It reminds me that I did live a worthy life to have the blessings Heavenly Father has promised me.

We have so many wonderful friends who attended to support us. Living so far from home, it was great to have such a show of kindness and love. We had a casual lunch -hotdogs and chips for the kids, pulled pork sandwiches for the parents. It was nice to have them in our home, just enjoying the family we call a " ward ".

I am indeed grateful for the best month of my life.

Friday, August 1, 2008

August 1, 2008-- Turkey Meat

As I sit in the stillness of my home, while most of the kids are sleeping, I am wondering what I should write as my very first post on my little blog, which I doubt many will read. Alex is in the other room arguing with James about buying a graphics card for the computer. We are so not electronic savvy people, and the need to spend big bucks on a little card, to make a computer picture look more clear is just foreign to the both of us. Alex is the electronic ant born into the home of a cassette and VCR grasshopper family.

I still don't know how to download a song onto the computer, let alone onto my cell phone, which apparently has an MP3 player, which means I don't have to carry my trusty old CD player, along with my phone and keys when I go walking. Great concept, I just have no clue how to implement it.

20 years ago, I would have been horrified at myself. I would have never guessed I would be a mom who was so out of it. I remember talking to my friends and laughing at our Young Women leaders for having " turkey meat " for legs and not being tan. Now I rarely spend time outside, let alone, wasting precious time basking in the sun for that " healthy tan ". I can only imagine what a day in the sun would be like.

It would start with me in a swimming suit, staring into the mirror, horrified at the shape that has been left to me thanks to six pregnancies and two C-sections ( and a bit of brownie batter, cookie dough and ice cream here and there ).

I would then proceed to the back yard, followed curiously by all six children. Once I began lathering on the sun tan oil, I would need to pass around the bottle, as we would all need to share and share alike. I am sure one child would not get an equal amount of oil and thus would begin the great debate of who got more or less.

After the evenly distributed suntan oil was applied, we would all try to fit onto one blanket. We can all see where this is going. " He's touching me!! I don't have enough blanket!! I want to be by mom!! I never have any fun!!"

Shortly after the great wrestling match over the blanket, oh within five seconds or so, the rapid fire questions would begin " Why are we out here? Why do you want a tan? Why is it so sunny and hot? How long do we HAVE to stay out here? When are we going in?" Then the complaining would begin " I hate hot days, I don't want to be out here."

So, five minutes into my tanning session , I would be back in the house, back into my comfy yoga pants and a roomy T-shirt, I would be chasing kids around any way. Turkey meat is definitely the way to go on this one.