Thursday, July 2, 2009

THIS is what I have dealt with for the past week, read it and weep, that is what I did when I walked into my house.

My closet door? Or a cutting board? WHAT???

The horrific tile now adorning my kitchen countertops... my formica may have been cheap, but it looked A LOT better than this.

The grodies hanging from my fan in the front room... not fun to clean when you are looking up. You should have seen the vents!!

My stove... left abandoned in the garage... not even a tarp to keep it warm during the cold Wyoming winters, poor little stove.

still needs some cleaning, but MUCH BETTER!!

Strange bathroom paint and icky stuff on one of the walls... I don't have a picture of the sponged/dripping paint on all of the other walls.
and the after, bland but neutral and CLEAN once again, including more terrible tile on the floor, we just have to live with it for now. .

My front yard before...

... and after


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