Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Gratitude Tuesday--On Wednesday

I am typing today on a corn starch covered key board. Mikenzie thought it would be a marvelous idea to make that gooey corn starch mixture that turns to liquid if you stop molding it in your hands. Well, she forgot to keep it moving while she was on the computer, and now we have a dusty, yucky keyboard. Just gotta love those great ideas that the kids seem to have an endless supply of.

Yesterday was generally a great day. I gave myself the day off from the office and went to lunch with some friends. It was so nice to get all purdy-ed up and go out with the girls. We had a wonderful lunch together. We were celebrating my birthday along with another friend's. Just a good afternoon over all.

Later in the evening I went to the gym and ran a 5k on the treadmill. I know this isn't a lot for most of you, it felt great to do the whole 3.2 miles all in one run. I usually get bored and jump from machine to machine, but I stuck it out last night and it was really exhilarating once I hit the 3 mile mark. I am not the fastest runner, shin splints and sore knees kick in if I go too fast. It was so nice to feel gratitude for a healthy body, jiggly and all. I am so thankful for my health and strength.

We had a great time the night before at the pool. It was our FHE and the boys raced James and I up and down the pool. Mikenzie even jumped in on the fun. She wanted to race me, so we shared a lane, for about 10 feet. She was kicking and splashing. Once the zig zagging started, I had to quit and let her get ahead of me so I could swim without fear of injury. It was still a very fun FHE. I love my kids!!

My gratitude list:

Fun lunch with friends
Strong and healthy body
Great family to spend time with

Be Grateful!!

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