Friday, September 4, 2009

Complete Looser

Some days, to be honest, that is how I truly feel. I look around at what others have accomplished, measure myself up to them and feel rather low on the ladder of life. No long CV to list my accomplishments, my cars are old and breaking down, my house is a mess, Brandon is missing a shoe, my waist line is not shrinking, no matter how many miles I run every week. Can't I do more with my life? Can't I be better?

But then... I gather my greatest blessings into my big old van and one by one say goodbye. Alex, already off to High School, Jeremy off to Junior High, where he is playing football, and I couldn't be more proud,regardless of how deep he is on the line. Kyle and Mikenzie are dropped off at middle school, where I realize how much Kyle has grown and beautiful my little princess is becoming. How grateful I am they have each other this year. Mikenzie is so much smaller than Kyle and I realize it will be a matter of months before she is the one who is growing up overnight.

Then I send my two last children out the door, with new shoes ( still can't find the lost shoe... a brand new I might add ) and colorful umbrellas, full of excitement for what the rain promises them for that one block walk to school. They just brighten my day and make me realize how truly blessed I am.

Last week in my RS lesson, I pointed out that most of our worries are over wanting a bigger house, faster car, prettier clothes ( or am I the only vain and worldly one? ) Really? Is that all I have to worry about in this world full of trouble? I can turn on any tap in my house and have clean, hot or cold water. I have indoor plumbing, A/C, heat. Freedom, education, food in my cupboards. That is more than 97% of the world can say. And, best of all, a wonderful family. Sibling rivalry, late work nights, and too little time, all rolled into one wonderful life.

So, am I really a looser? It seems to me, I am quite the winner.

1 comment:

LisaB said...

You're nothing but WINNER in my book, Ter! I'm always inspired by you and the amazing mother that you are. You are a blessing to so many.

Love you!