Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Gratitude Tuesday

Okay, it's Tuesday.... hmmmm, need something to be grateful for. I spent the whole day packing pasta into 5 gallon buckets and boy, did it pile up fast!! That I am thankful for, it has really boosted our food storage. We have been very blessed with the free pasta we get here.

I was also thankful for the visit I had with my RS Pres tonight during our VT interviews. She has been a good friend and a fun person to work with not only in RS but also the time we spent together in Primary.

I am thankful for the opportunity to write to my congressman and express my opinions to him. Hopefully, my message will be heard. I must admit, it is becoming discouraging. Somedays I think we are living in a parallel universe. Although times are tough, I am so thankful for the blessings of the gospel, to guide us through these latter days.

I am thankful for my family. My wonderful husband and my fabulous kids. We drive each other crazy, we love spending time together, and hopefully, we will all be in the celestial room together. That would be a perfect day.

Be Grateful!!

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