Friday, October 3, 2008

Ode to Mr. Wonderful

I have been sick, like in bed not wanting to live sick, for the past week. I am the sickly one of the family. Most people just get a little cold, I get a full blown case of strep and whatever else seems to come along with it. My body is fighting my thyroid so much that my immunity is really low and I get really sick, really fast.

So, on Monday, being what I thought super mom was, I told James I would be fine and he could work late. I basically laid in bed and ignored the kids until it was bedtime for them, sent them to bed and then got back into my bed. James on the other hand, after 12 hours of work, stayed until midnight painting and laying carpet in his new treatment room ( the fumes from the paint irritated his office partners contacts--lame excuse I know-- so he left after an hour). This was after driving the kids to early morning seminary at 5:00 a.m. that morning.

Then Tuesday he stayed after another long day and organized his treatment room, picked Kyle up from soccer and had members from our ward waiting for him as soon as he walked through the door of our house. After he helped them, he made phone calls to find guys to babysit for E night in our ward. Then he got all the kids to bed and stayed up for an hour listening to me complain.

We got into bed around midnight and my lovely feverish chills kicked in, even my teeth were shivering. So, my Mr. Wonderful rolled over, even though he was exhausted, took me in arms, under my pile of blankets ( because I was freezing ) and gave me all the warmth he had to offer, despite the sweltering heat coming from my fever.

What can I say? I am not really a super mom, I just married a super guy. I wish I was as compassionate when he is sick, but I'm really not. Maybe I will be, after being given such kindness through all of this. Actually, I probably won't, I think I'm am lacking the compassionate gene, which is why I would never be a good RS Pres.. I would be totally annoyed if he rolled over all sweaty and wanted a big bear hug so he could warm up. Gross!! But, men are more gross then we are, even when we are sick : )

Thanks James.

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